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Onsite Backup


Onsite Backup for Small Business!

We understand the critical importance of safeguarding your business data against potential loss or corruption. Our comprehensive Onsite Backup Services ensure that your vital information is securely stored and readily accessible when you need it most.

Data Security and Integrity

Our onsite backup solutions are designed to protect your data from a range of threats, including hardware failures, cyber-attacks, and accidental deletions. With robust encryption protocols and regular integrity checks, we ensure that your data remains secure and intact.

Automated Backups

Enjoy peace of mind with our automated backup schedules that ensure your data is consistently backed up without manual intervention. We customize the backup frequency to suit your business needs, whether it’s daily, weekly, or real-time.

Rapid Recovery

 In the event of data loss or system failure, our onsite backups provide rapid recovery options, minimizing downtime and ensuring your business operations continue smoothly. We support various recovery points, allowing you to restore your systems to a specific moment in time.

Scalable Solutions

Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, our onsite backup services are scalable to meet your growing data storage needs. We provide flexible storage options, allowing you to increase capacity as your data requirements expand.

Comprehensive Support

Our team of IT experts offers ongoing support and monitoring to ensure your backup systems are functioning optimally. We provide regular reports and proactive maintenance to address any issues before they impact your data security.

Compliance and Reporting

We help you stay compliant with industry regulations by maintaining detailed records of your backup activities. Our solutions support regulatory requirements for data protection and retention, providing you with audit-ready documentation.


Onsite backups eliminate the need for ongoing subscription fees associated with cloud storage services. Once the initial setup is complete, you can benefit from predictable and manageable costs, making it a cost-effective solution for long-term data protection.

Onsite Backups

Backing up to onsite storage gives the advantage of realistic turn around times for data retrieval. When a server crashes or workstation gets corrupted, having the images onsite enables the end-user to be back up and running in a relatively short period amount of time. The data is local so it does not have far to go for restoration. Go Kall IT works with only highly rated backup software vendors that can produce quality encrypted backup files for data storage needs.

Offsite Backups

As part of the backup plan, Offsite backups offer a safe secondary storage outside the main office and for data retrieval from locations anywhere around the world. The advantages to having these backups are in the event of device theft, fire, flood or other disasters that can cause data loss. Go Kall IT has partnered with highly rated, HIPAA compliant, cloud data storage providers to provide you with storage for your data.

Data Encryption

Data should be encrypted when backing up to external devices whether it be local or in the cloud. In the case of theft, thieves will not be able to read your private information. Regulatory compliance agencies such as HIPAA  and GDPR require such protection of all data in order to meet regulatory standards.


What's your current backup situation, do you have a trusted plan?

Local and Cloud Backups

Go Kall IT will review your current backups and point out any deficiencies then come up with a plan to get you on track.

Backup Health Reports

Go Kall IT receives backup health reports daily and takes action appropriate immediately if needed.

Infrastructure Backups

Go Kall IT ensures your server and workstation backups always perform integrity and health checks to insure backups function when called to restore.

Endpoint Backups

Client and server endpoints image backups are managed daily providing the ability to restore in the event of catastrophic failure.

Application Backups

Go Kall IT supports Software as well as on-premise deployments, ensuring applications are always backed up and available for restoration.

Managed Backup Software

Go Kall IT provides advanced quality tools to clients who want to insure their data is backed up.

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