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Why IT Services are Necessary for Hybrid Workplaces

Why IT Services are Necessary for Hybrid Workplaces

Prior to the COVID era, operations and business development professionals were already talking about how hybrid workplaces were the future of work following the ubiquity of cloud-based software and other digital tools.

Information technology (IT) seeded the hybrid workplace zeitgeist, and now IT services are crucial to maintaining the effectiveness of hybrid workplaces in the wake of COVID. Business owners who want to keep their workers online and on task need IT services to support their technology.

IT Solutions for Hybrid Workplaces

One aspect of hybrid workplaces that has become abundantly clear is the need for digital tools that work well in the office and at home; IT service companies provide ongoing solutions for businesses’ shifting needs.

Foremost, businesses should be pushing their data and applications from office-bound hard drives tied to cloud-based storage and software. This trend began before COVID but has become essential for any business looking to transition into hybrid or entirely work-from-home operations seamlessly. Utilizing the cloud will not only save you time and money in the long run; it’s the first step to implementing remote collaboration processes.

An additional necessity provided by IT companies is their ability to navigate business owners through software options for their employees. Every industry and office has unique needs and styles of work; the technology a business uses should be best tailored to those needs. But there are a lot of options out there. An IT company can help business owners decide which collaborative tools are best suited for their day-to-day operations.

IT Services Keep Hybrid Workplaces Cyber Safe

Cybersecurity is the most important thing business owners need to consider when shifting to a hybrid or fully remote workplace. While moving to the cloud is pivotal for a business trying to remain productive and profitable during this new era of work, it also opens new security vulnerabilities.

What’s more, personal networks provide fewer protections from malware. With an increase in phishing attempts following the start of the pandemic, employees, too, are more likely to click them if in a distracting WFH environment. One of the most valuable assets of any business is their data — it’s not worth risking.

Business owners have a greater need for more robust and responsive cybersecurity measures. This includes traditional remote IT services as well as more in-depth cybersecurity training for the home office.

IT and HR Collaboration

The growing importance of IT services in hybrid workplaces has been matched with a growing interdependency of HR and IT. Together, they solve the daily problems of workers.

On the one hand, HR professionals can look to the IT specialists they work with for valuable information about employee productivity and satisfaction. And, on the other, IT specialists can assist HR in preventing employee burnout with time-blocking applications.

Additionally, with the expertise of IT services, business owners can create better policies around work equipment, such as best practices around using personal versus company-issued laptops.

Entrepreneurs serious about optimizing their business through this new wave of workplace culture need IT support. Go Kall IT offers 24/7 enterprise-level support that helps businesses flourish. Get on top of your workplace’s IT needs and contact us today.